GIT Cheat Sheet

As a front end developer tools like source tree and Webstorm’s GIT GUI are life savers. But sometimes you need to open up the terminal to work with your GIT repo. Over the years I’ve saved a few commands that I use frequently. There are a few commands that will save your bacon on the odd occasion. Below is the GIST that I use and update.

search (regex)

git grep "regex"

list all branches

git branch -a

list remote branches

git branch -r

checkout a branch on remote

make sure you don't use origin

git fetch
git checkout branchName

Create a new branch

first create a branch

git checkout -b <branchName>

Create a new branch from an existing branch

git checkout origin/branchName -b newBranchName

Then push your new branch to the repo

git push origin <branchName>

Create a branch from a commit

AKA Recover a deleted branch

git checkout -b <branch> <sha>

revert all changes in a branch. Removes staged and working directory changes.

git reset --hard

Resets index to former commit; replace 56e05fced with your commit code. You can use git log to get commit code

git reset 56e05fced

revert a file to the most recent commit

git checkout HEAD -- /somePath/file.txt

to discard changes in working directory

git checkout -- <file>

Checkout a file from another branch

git checkout origin/branchName  -- fileName.txt

undo the last commit. Blow it out of the water.

git reset --hard HEAD~1

undo your last commit but leave the files from that commit staged.

git reset --soft HEAD~1

delete local (untracked) files

git clean -f

If you want to also remove directories, run

git clean -f -d

clean a folder

git clean -fxd {dir_path}

commit a folder/file without staging it.

git commit /folderToCommit -m 'commit msg'

list all branches (remote & local/remote only)

git branch -a
git branch -r

Find out all branches a commit is on

git branch --contains <commit>

display log with Tree

git log --pretty=format:"%h - %cr (%an) %s" --graph

Merge Master into your local branch

git fetch
git merge origin/master

a shortcut to this is. They are both the same

git pull origin master

or, if it's a busy repo.

git pull --rebase <remote name> <branch name>

list conflicts

git diff --name-only --diff-filter=U
grep -lr '<<<<<<<' .

Diff a conflict

git mergetool -t opendiff

pull a branch , merge if conflicted use remote.

git pull -s recursive -X theirs origin ra

show log with merged files

git log -m -1 --name-only

Show the changes between two branches.

git diff --name-status master..branchName > changelog.txt

Recover a deleted branch

Get the SHA of the last commit on the branch.

git checkout -b newbranchname 56e05fced


save a stash

git stash save "My changes."

list your saved stashes

git stash list

apply a stash (Where stash@{1} is the stash you want to apply.)

git stash apply stash@{1}

delete a branch on origin

git push origin --delete <branchName>

delete a branch locally

git branch -d <branchName>

Get all commits from a branch. For a release log, changelog etc.

git cherry -v develop mybranch

Revert a commit that is origin/remote

This reverts the commit with a new commit.

First get the commit sha.

git revert -m 1 <commit-hash> 
git commit -m "Reverting the last commit which messed the repo."
git push -u origin master


Get the status on all repos in a folder

find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -exec sh -c '(echo {} && cd {} && git status -s && echo)' \;

Save the results to a file.

find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -exec sh -c '(echo {} && cd {} && git status -s && echo)' \; > gitreport.txt

Delete all local branches that don't exist on origin

run git fetch -p this removes the remote references.

run git branch -vv

then run the following script

git fetch -p && for branch in `git branch -vv | grep ': gone]' | awk '{print $1}'`; do git branch -D $branch; done

keywords: prune